Friday, December 12, 2008


The Chu Selection and Climate Change
By The New York Times
Andy Revkin, The Times’s reporter covering climate change and similar issues, provides an analytical look on his Dot Earth blog on what Steven Chu’s selection as energy secretary could mean for the battle against global warming, and how he differs from Al Gore on the need for new technologies on this front.

The appointment of Dr. Chu demonstrates that our system of meritocracy is alive and well. It’s also an uplifting story in light of the “pay to play” scandal in Illinois. Dr. Chu will lead the nation on a path of energy efficiency and environment friendliness based on science, not political flavors. Kudos for Obama for the appointment. And, a huge encouragement to school children interested in science and technology! I really don't personally believe in global warming just because the earth over years has changed climate and went through ice ages so what's so different now. We as humans only contribute less than 1% of the earth's pollution. Just because Al Gore came out with a documentary saying we do have global warming doesn't mean anything. Of course the ice caps are melting but in other areas they are getting thicker. The earth has and will always recycle itself, we do nothing to contribute to it. Al Gore is making millions of dollars off of it, I wish I came up with it. I do believe we can be more environment friendly though and lets see what Dr. Chu could do since his beliefs take a different approach than Al Gore.

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