Friday, December 12, 2008


In Roman's Blog, "Mr. Grinch", he stated that this holiday season no one was going to spend any money and the 2nd Great Depression is upon us. That's a bunch of crap because no matter what people are going to spend money. Jobs may be scarce and money tight but either way they are going to spend. This Black Friday was a better turnout than last year. As a sales person myself, I can relate, people want to be bought. Anybody can sell a discount and that is what is happening. Discounts are everywhere! The only people suffering is people who got laid off, lost their job, or people with kids in college. People are tighter on their purse strings trying to stay away from unneccesary buying but like this asian nail salon owner said, "No matter how late people are on their bills woman are still going to get their hair done, nails done and look good." Even if they are using their welfare checks or child support checks, lol.


The Chu Selection and Climate Change
By The New York Times
Andy Revkin, The Times’s reporter covering climate change and similar issues, provides an analytical look on his Dot Earth blog on what Steven Chu’s selection as energy secretary could mean for the battle against global warming, and how he differs from Al Gore on the need for new technologies on this front.

The appointment of Dr. Chu demonstrates that our system of meritocracy is alive and well. It’s also an uplifting story in light of the “pay to play” scandal in Illinois. Dr. Chu will lead the nation on a path of energy efficiency and environment friendliness based on science, not political flavors. Kudos for Obama for the appointment. And, a huge encouragement to school children interested in science and technology! I really don't personally believe in global warming just because the earth over years has changed climate and went through ice ages so what's so different now. We as humans only contribute less than 1% of the earth's pollution. Just because Al Gore came out with a documentary saying we do have global warming doesn't mean anything. Of course the ice caps are melting but in other areas they are getting thicker. The earth has and will always recycle itself, we do nothing to contribute to it. Al Gore is making millions of dollars off of it, I wish I came up with it. I do believe we can be more environment friendly though and lets see what Dr. Chu could do since his beliefs take a different approach than Al Gore.


A need for change now!!
The US government will be changing over the coming years. With the election coming up we can see how the government is going to change. Though it is down to most people's opinion, I do happen to believe that George Bush has done nothing good for this country and that we are in need of a better president in order to lead us forward. So the question is what changes does our country need if we have a new president? Well, there are many policies which we are keeping our hopes high for. An incredibly good change would be to mention national health care, this would be an incredibly valuable and useful for people who can't afford much. With the introduction to a health care system we could see so many lives saved as a result, many people nowadays die all because they cannot afford to pay for either surgery or treatment to an illness they have. And what is worse is that some of these illnesses are easily curable, but it is the simply funding which people lack, with a health care plan it would be much easier to be treated. Another policy which many people want to see is more troops pulled out of. Many people would agree that the war on was a pointless act, there has been much argument on to why George Bush started the war. I think that pulling our troops out of Iraq would be a great improvement since there are so many troops who are being killed for no reason out in Iraq, it is important that the next US President pulls out the troops and sorts out this ridiculous mess that George Bush has created.

I totally agree too. Bush was our worst president yet and we need change. We are in a economic crisis, our climate is crazy, but we are over seas fighting a war that has nothing to do with us. We are suppose to to looking for Bin Laden, remember him? Bush and his dad just wanted to get rich off the oil and military defense. I think the whole 9/11 was planned. I already had a close friend to the family die in Iraq and my sister is in the Air Force. We aren't the president of the whole world so we need to stop worrying about everybody else. Politics are so corrupt and they only care about thier own pockets. I'm rooting for Obama and feel he can make a change. I know change wont come fast but atleast its a start.


Sorry, We’re Booked, White House Tells Obamas- ARTICLE
By Helene Cooper
Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama met Barack Obama’s campaign plane in Colorado on Nov. 1. (Photo: Damon Winter/The New York Times)
Updated 3:12 p.m. CHICAGO—The White House has turned down a request from the family of President-elect Barack Obama to move into Blair House in early January so that his daughters can start school on January 5.
The Obamas were told that Blair House, where incoming presidents usually stay in the five days before Inauguration Day, is booked in early January, a spokesperson to the Obama transition said. “We explored the idea so that the girls could start school on schedule,’ the spokesperson said. “But, there were previously scheduled events and guests that couldn’t be displaced.”
It remained unclear who on Bushes guest list outranked the incoming President.
“It’s not a public schedule,” said Sally McDonough, spokeswoman for First Lady Laura Bush, in refusing to disclose who was staying at Blair House. “It’s not a question of outranking the Obamas. Blair House will be available to them on January 15.”
Ms. McDonough said “there’s nothing more to say other than that it’s not available and won’t be available until January 15.” She added that “you’re trying to make a story out of something that’s not a story.”
A State Department official said he didn’t know of any foreign dignitaries staying at Blair House in early January.
A White House official said that Mr. Bush does not have family or friends from Texas staying at Blair House during the period which the Obamas requested. But Blair House, the official said, has been booked for “receptions and gatherings” by members of the outgoing Bush administration. Those receptions, the official said, “don’t make it suitable for full-time occupancy by the Obamas yet.”


As human beings believing in a higher power, it’s no wonder that I am still in ’shock and awe’ at the never-ending depth of ignorance that is coming back up the throats of some of these posters. There is NOTHING in this story that indicates a monetary value, a sense of indignation at not being able to stay at Blair House and you can best believe that a ton of paparrazi will be outside that residence on that day!. Now, what if John McCain had won the election and the very same denial was put to him- would you declare the same preposterous allegations on him? Would you snidely ignore the fact he has enough homes to demand he be entitled to the residence?
Refusing to acknowledge a truth in front of you is ignorance…is a migraine for which you refuse to figure out its source. No doubt these are some masochistic people who love their own pain.
And let me say this- what exactly is in a name? “Hussein” is a common Islamic name that carries no assumption or prejudgement with it. To link President-Elect Obama’s middle name to the terrorist we SHOULD HAVE been looking for is not even an intuitive leap worth exploring; yet if you’re one who chooses to use the master soundbite of all soundbites (the internet) as the only source of your truth, then you deserve the darkness in which you wakeup.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"McCain compared Obama to Herbert Hoover, the Republican who was president when the stock market crashed in 1929 triggering the Depression."

The author's intended audience was for Obama supporters, which of course I am:). If you go to 
you'll find the article I'm commenting on. Their claim is that McCain is so busy trash talking Obama he comes out looking like an idiot when he himself does bad decisions. He compares Obama with Herbert Hoover but who does he think he is FDR?
I am not sure that anything McCain says is going to have a great impact. Those supporting Obama have already drunk the kool-aid and are unreachable. The undecided are the only ones that McCain has a chance to reach, and most of them are so fixated on the economy and wanting to blame somebody that they already are predisposed to blame the party in power.
Frankly, I am of the opinion that, outside divine intervention from God, Obama is the next President, and America will dissolve into a socialist state, much like France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Canada. 
America is so angry right now that they cannot or will not see the truth. America's woes started long ago, even before Bill Clinton. But the current economic crisis started under Clinton with their pressuring the financial industry to make these bad loans that have now crashed and burned and have us in the fix we're in. We can also thank Nancy Pelosi, Barney Franks, Chris Dodd, and the other Democrats that stuck their head in the sand and did not listen when Bush and McCain tried to convince congress more oversight was needed and a tightning of the lending policies.
Unfortunately, those truths will go unheard or ignored, and we are going to have a President that will dessimate our military, insure at least five million more babies will be cruely aborted, and will tax and spend the nation right into oblivion. Way to go, America. God help us.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kenya Deports Aurthor of "Anti-Obama" Book

I totally disagreed with this article.

You don't HAVE to "love" America to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be "proud" of every bad thing that America has ever done in order to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to "love" America to vote.

You don't HAVE to quit posting on this board just because somebody here doesn't like or agree with what you have to say.

You don't HAVE to disagree with Reverend Wright to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to believe the GOP lies about Obama being a Muslim to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to hide behind the flag or display "false patriotism" to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to like or agree with Bush or McSame to be a good American.

A good American questions everything American -- that's perfectly okay. You don't have to be a mindless GOP drone to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to hate all Muslims and everything Muslim to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be a conservative to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to believe in God to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be a paranoid xenophobe to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to like unnecessary wars (or even necessary wars) to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be perpetually afraid in order to be a good American.

You don't ever HAVE to leave this country just because some Republicans don't agree with your political views.

We all have a right to be here, and believe whatever we want to believe. If you have a problem with any of that, then it's YOU who should consider leaving.

All very good points and well worth re posting. This is what the GOP and their brain washed supporters hate the most CHOICE and freedom of thought. They hate liberals because we have the freedom to disagree and encourage free discussion of ideas with out fear mongering . As a result they are losing the presidential campaign . Actually they have already lost.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Clinton's, Not what they seem

See now I loved Hilary Clinton but I've learned alot about her in the period of time I've been in this class. Hillary Clinton and her defenders are protesting much too much about her statement on Dr. King. Throwing old-fashioned Washington D.C. Style dirt on Obama will not help them, (they only dig their own hole for them to jump in later). In doing so they reveal an underlying inability to respect any real movement for change and her insensitivity to those struggling for change, whether it’s the movement inspired by Senator Obama, or Dr. King. In reading her entire statement it is quite evident the she dismissed the lingering power and force of Dr. King’s words and the life-long struggles of a whole lot of other people in giving credit for the success in the civil rights movement to “Presidents”, especially LBJ. He was part of a process which forced many in politics to respond to the tremendous power of the Civil Rights Movement unleashed by Dr. King. LBJ had no choice, the country would have been in violent crisis if he had not acted. Again Clinton and her defenders just do not get it. The underlying realty of racism and intra-racism is often obscured to the individual it lives in, especially the racist in denial and, and it often becomes evident when in competition with a person of color. That is what’s happened here. The Clintons both are revealing their ugly underbellies here, and most people of color know it. There are no pleadings that can forgive it or explain it away, or accusations against her opponents that can divert enough attention to it to cover it up.

PLUS, I just learned that Hillary supports the lawsuit in Nevada to prevent minority laborers from getting a chance to vote at work? Amazing. Shades of Florida 2000. This also should confirm in the minds of all that her comments about Dr. King really did reveal an underlying racism. There is a pattern here. Incredible. Will she and her allies stop at nothing to seize power? .

I think this article is worth reading, , because it underlines the truth about the Clintons. See for yourself

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Barrack Obama

I have been a Hilary Clinton supporter since the beginning but now that it is just between Obama and Mccain, I'm going for Obama. I've realized though not to look at things in face value. Throughout history the U.S have used the good cop and bad cop model in regards to who leads the country.

On the other hand though I can understand why people are so passionate about what Obama represents. For many blacks just the idea of someone that looks like them is very inspirational and gives them hope that they too can strive and achieve great things. I agree it might be a little bit niave but in the absence of black males in prominent positions I'm not surprised. Some whites feel it highlights how much the U.S has moved on from segregated toilets to potentially a man of color leading our country. I think perhaps it may alleviate some guilt they may have. I also feel that the Bush administration has caused our country such embarrassment and resentment, black and white. Obama represents a welcome change from that. As for me I'm too skeptical to buy into their speeches from either Obama or Mccain. I'm interested on what goes on behind the scenes, the machines that drives both candidates will ultimately see their agendas realized.