Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"McCain compared Obama to Herbert Hoover, the Republican who was president when the stock market crashed in 1929 triggering the Depression."

The author's intended audience was for Obama supporters, which of course I am:). If you go to 
you'll find the article I'm commenting on. Their claim is that McCain is so busy trash talking Obama he comes out looking like an idiot when he himself does bad decisions. He compares Obama with Herbert Hoover but who does he think he is FDR?
I am not sure that anything McCain says is going to have a great impact. Those supporting Obama have already drunk the kool-aid and are unreachable. The undecided are the only ones that McCain has a chance to reach, and most of them are so fixated on the economy and wanting to blame somebody that they already are predisposed to blame the party in power.
Frankly, I am of the opinion that, outside divine intervention from God, Obama is the next President, and America will dissolve into a socialist state, much like France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Canada. 
America is so angry right now that they cannot or will not see the truth. America's woes started long ago, even before Bill Clinton. But the current economic crisis started under Clinton with their pressuring the financial industry to make these bad loans that have now crashed and burned and have us in the fix we're in. We can also thank Nancy Pelosi, Barney Franks, Chris Dodd, and the other Democrats that stuck their head in the sand and did not listen when Bush and McCain tried to convince congress more oversight was needed and a tightning of the lending policies.
Unfortunately, those truths will go unheard or ignored, and we are going to have a President that will dessimate our military, insure at least five million more babies will be cruely aborted, and will tax and spend the nation right into oblivion. Way to go, America. God help us.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kenya Deports Aurthor of "Anti-Obama" Book

I totally disagreed with this article.

You don't HAVE to "love" America to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be "proud" of every bad thing that America has ever done in order to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to "love" America to vote.

You don't HAVE to quit posting on this board just because somebody here doesn't like or agree with what you have to say.

You don't HAVE to disagree with Reverend Wright to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to believe the GOP lies about Obama being a Muslim to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to hide behind the flag or display "false patriotism" to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to like or agree with Bush or McSame to be a good American.

A good American questions everything American -- that's perfectly okay. You don't have to be a mindless GOP drone to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to hate all Muslims and everything Muslim to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be a conservative to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to believe in God to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be a paranoid xenophobe to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to like unnecessary wars (or even necessary wars) to be a good American.

You don't HAVE to be perpetually afraid in order to be a good American.

You don't ever HAVE to leave this country just because some Republicans don't agree with your political views.

We all have a right to be here, and believe whatever we want to believe. If you have a problem with any of that, then it's YOU who should consider leaving.

All very good points and well worth re posting. This is what the GOP and their brain washed supporters hate the most CHOICE and freedom of thought. They hate liberals because we have the freedom to disagree and encourage free discussion of ideas with out fear mongering . As a result they are losing the presidential campaign . Actually they have already lost.