Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Clinton's, Not what they seem

See now I loved Hilary Clinton but I've learned alot about her in the period of time I've been in this class. Hillary Clinton and her defenders are protesting much too much about her statement on Dr. King. Throwing old-fashioned Washington D.C. Style dirt on Obama will not help them, (they only dig their own hole for them to jump in later). In doing so they reveal an underlying inability to respect any real movement for change and her insensitivity to those struggling for change, whether it’s the movement inspired by Senator Obama, or Dr. King. In reading her entire statement it is quite evident the she dismissed the lingering power and force of Dr. King’s words and the life-long struggles of a whole lot of other people in giving credit for the success in the civil rights movement to “Presidents”, especially LBJ. He was part of a process which forced many in politics to respond to the tremendous power of the Civil Rights Movement unleashed by Dr. King. LBJ had no choice, the country would have been in violent crisis if he had not acted. Again Clinton and her defenders just do not get it. The underlying realty of racism and intra-racism is often obscured to the individual it lives in, especially the racist in denial and, and it often becomes evident when in competition with a person of color. That is what’s happened here. The Clintons both are revealing their ugly underbellies here, and most people of color know it. There are no pleadings that can forgive it or explain it away, or accusations against her opponents that can divert enough attention to it to cover it up.

PLUS, I just learned that Hillary supports the lawsuit in Nevada to prevent minority laborers from getting a chance to vote at work? Amazing. Shades of Florida 2000. This also should confirm in the minds of all that her comments about Dr. King really did reveal an underlying racism. There is a pattern here. Incredible. Will she and her allies stop at nothing to seize power? .

I think this article is worth reading, , because it underlines the truth about the Clintons. See for yourself

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Barrack Obama

I have been a Hilary Clinton supporter since the beginning but now that it is just between Obama and Mccain, I'm going for Obama. I've realized though not to look at things in face value. Throughout history the U.S have used the good cop and bad cop model in regards to who leads the country.

On the other hand though I can understand why people are so passionate about what Obama represents. For many blacks just the idea of someone that looks like them is very inspirational and gives them hope that they too can strive and achieve great things. I agree it might be a little bit niave but in the absence of black males in prominent positions I'm not surprised. Some whites feel it highlights how much the U.S has moved on from segregated toilets to potentially a man of color leading our country. I think perhaps it may alleviate some guilt they may have. I also feel that the Bush administration has caused our country such embarrassment and resentment, black and white. Obama represents a welcome change from that. As for me I'm too skeptical to buy into their speeches from either Obama or Mccain. I'm interested on what goes on behind the scenes, the machines that drives both candidates will ultimately see their agendas realized.